
Kamp Kiki
Kamp Kiki is a UK-based retreat for Transgender people from the African & Caribbean Diaspora. We welcome you to our indoor weekend retreat with workshops looking at the mind, body and soul. Workshops are focused on mindfulness, fitness, self-love, practical support, creative expression and self empowerment.

We welcome all Transwomen, Transmen & Non-Binary Identities from the African, Caribbean diaspora. The retreat centres on an unapologetically Black/trans approach to exploring how we can care for ourselves and each other.
We especially welcome you if you've been feeling isolated and want to find a home amongst a loving community of trans people.
A free (optional) therapy session with our resident Integrative Arts Therapist Kris Black. Kris Black | The Black, African and Asian Therapy Network (baatn.org.uk)
Creative Writing
"The joys of a love" letter - Kuchenga Shenje
African Spirituality - A history & meditation practice - Jael
Performance Based Workshops
Finding your voice -Choir director Daniel Thomas

Who Can Come?
There are 12 spaces available on the Kamp.
This retreat is designed for people 18 years and older. There is no upper age limit; we welcome older trans people to Kamp Kiki in whatever stage of your transition.
Each retreat will be uniquely based on who's in the room, as the experience will be shaped by the participants.
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